District of Katepwa Official Community Plan
District of Katepwa Zoning Bylaw
- Bylaw 06-2014 Zoning Bylaw and Katepwa Zoning Maps (Consolidated)
- Bylaw 02-2016 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 04-2016 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 08-2016 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 13-2016 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 02-2017 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 04-2017 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 02-2018 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 2019-04 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 02-2024 Zoning Amendment
Other Bylaws
- All Saints Anglican Church Bylaw (12-05)
- Base Tax Bylaw (03-2024)
- Bylaw to Appoint a Bylaw Enforcement Officer (01-07)
- Assessment Notices (03-05)
- Businesses Bylaw (11-05)
- Building Bylaw (2019-03)
- Building Bylaw Amendment (2019-06)
- Campgrounds Bylaw (07-05)
- Committee Bylaw (05-2017)
- Code of Ethics (10-2016)
- Schedule A
- Early Payment of Taxes Bylaw (04-08)
- Emergency Measures Bylaw (01-05)
- Fees and Charges (01-2025)
- Fire Arms Bylaw (13-05)
- Fire Restriction or Fire Ban 04-2018
- General Penalty Bylaw (14-05)
- Golf Cart Bylaw (2024-04)
- Municipal Road or Street Bylaw (05-08)
- Mobile Parks & Campground (2024-05)
- Noise Bylaw (03-2021)
- Nuisance Abatement Bylaw (16-05)
- Operation of Vehicles Bylaw (19-02)
- Pets at Large Bylaw (08-05)
- Public Notice Policy (17-05)
- Public Reserve – Vehicles & Buildings (07-2017)
- Recover Protective Services Fees (11-2016)
- Regulate The Operation of Vehicles (02-2019)
- Scrap Tire Bylaw (09-05)
- Septic Bylaw (05-2014)
- Tax Certificate (2025-02)
- Tree Pruning, Removal & Planting Bylaw (08-2017)
Calling Lakes District Plan
- Calling Lakes District Plan Document
- Qu’Appelle Lakes Flood Risk Map – Echo Lake
- Qu’Appelle Lakes Flood Risk Map – Katepwa Lake
- Qu’Appelle Lakes Flood Risk Map – Mission Lake
- Qu’Appelle Lakes Flood Risk Map – Pasqua Lake
Click to download bylaw documents
- Bonfires and Open Air Fires Policy 2012
- Delegations
- Garbage Policy 2012
- Employee Code of Conduct
- Policy 2020-06 Bylaw Enforcement
Respectful Outdoor Lighting Program

- Lighting Guidelines – Q&A
- Background, Guidelines and Illustrations of Fixtures
- Color Temperature Chart
Concerns and Complaints
All concerns and complaints relating to The District of Katepwa must be submitted to our administration office in writing with a signature. Written notices help staff process complaints, whether they are related to bylaw infractions or other concerns. Complaints that are forwarded to council must be signed by the complainant before the matter is discussed by council. A Bylaw Complaint Form can be found here.
Bylaw Complaint Form
Golf Cart Bylaw
In order to clarify why the District adopted a Golf Cart Bylaw I wish to provide the following information:
It is illegal to drive golf carts on municipal or provincial roads and without the District approving the bylaw it would still be illegal to drive a golf cart anywhere on municipal or provincial roads.
In 2014 SGI made a number of legislative and regulatory changes around golf carts and power-assisted bicycles and defined golf carts in the regulations for The Traffic Safety Act, this then allows municipalities to pass bylaws governing the use of golf carts on roads and highways to travel to and from a golf course. The Bylaw is subject to SGI review and approval.